In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead
James 2:17
At Martyrs church we desire to be an outward-looking community who are generous in attitude and action to those around us. Our vision is to promote the good news of Jesus in both words and practical demonstration.
Generous Martyrs
Generous Martyrs started in response to the challenge of the Coronavirus outbreak.
It is an opportunity to be part of a network to help with a local needs and to reflect God’s grace on behalf of Martyrs Church.
Generous Martyrs is a network that helps identify where there are local needs and ways of responding with small acts of kindness.
If you are already involved with an initiative to support those in the community, please carry on! Generous Martyrs is not seeking to replace this but will hopefully help provide other members of our church with a way of making a local response.
The network uses a WhatsApp group to communicate with each other and to identify where there are needs and how these can be met.
If you wish to be part of the Generous Martyrs network, please email with your name and mobile number. You will then be invited to be part of the group.
The initial co-ordination will be undertaken by Lorraine and Robin Pointon with input from Bertin and others. If you have questions about the network, please contact Lorraine or Robin.

- The Martyrs Bake and Take
- Sharing resources so volunteers can make scrub caps and headbands for NHS workers
- Working on creative ideas to share with our community in the future
- Supporting our local food bank
- Supporting Money Matters Leicester
- Creating craft packs for children and delivering them
- Sharing resources and skills e.g. helping to construct a shed
- Community litter pick
- Church gardening
- Church cleaning
- Random acts of kindness
- Leaflet drop for services and courses
- Prayer for healing in the community e.g. park
- Cake making for neighbours
For more information about any of these initiatives or if you have any suggestions, please email
Email with your name and mobile number.
Look out for messages on the WhatsApp group looking for help and then respond as you wish.
Post them on the WhatsApp group but without any personal details. If there is personal information that needs to go with the request, please email this information to
Baby Basics
Since 2017 a team of volunteers from church and the surrounding community have been running a Baby Basics centre here in Leicester. Working with Health professionals and other agencies, they support vulnerable families who are struggling to meet the financial and practical burden of looking after a new baby or young child. They provide much needed essentials and equipment for free on a referral basis. If you would like to get involved, please contact the Church Office.
For more information head over to their Website or Facebook page

Money Matters Leicester is now closed.
For all queries relating to previous clients of Money Matters Leicester, or other legacy queries, please contact Community Money Advice:
Community Money Advice
c/o Illuminate,
18 Wyle Cop,
01743 341929

Are you in need?
Mental health and well-being is being increasingly recognised as a feature of all our lives.
Being a Christian does not make us immune from struggles with mental health and well-being. If you are finding things hard then you are not alone. We would love to journey with you and give you support. We are not experts so we would always guide you towards seeking professional advice in the first instance and advise you to speak to your GP and/or seek professional help from self-referral.
We have a pastoral team and a prayer ministry team and if you would like support from them, click here.
“Mental and emotional wellbeing is key to human flourishing—and at the heart of God’s desire for each one of us. Many of us will encounter challenges in our mental health over the course of our lives, and it is vital that the Church is equipped with the tools to respond effectively and with compassion.”
The Most Revd and Rt Hon Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
Below are websites where you can find support and advice.