• Let’s have some fun!

Welcome everybody! Especially you!

Here you can find out more about God, Jesus, the Bible and God’s big family the Church, try a new song, challenge yourself at our Bible memory verse and see what’s happening at our clubs and events for 0-11’s. And remember God thinks you’re amazing and loves you so much!


The Ark | Rainbow Club | Ketchup Club | Shake, Rattle and Roll

Children’s Events

  • Children

    Shake Rattle + Roll

    Thursdays(10am-11:30am) in term time. This group is for 0-4’s and their grownups to play, make friends, sing, have stories, activities…

    10:00 am
    Church of the Martyrs

  • Children

    Sunday Clubs

    The summer term is here! What will we discover this term? Don’t miss it! There are groups for children and…

    10:30 am
    Church of the Martyrs

  • Children

    Girlguiding at the Martyrs

    Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK, with over 320,000 members. Thanks to the…

    5:15 pm
    Church of the Martyrs

The Ark

The Ark is a special space for our 0-3’s and their grownups to play, relax and make friends. All ages belong in our big church family. Stay for as little or as long as you like. The Ark is in the main church building and has the service relayed.

Sundays During the 10.30 service Martyrs Church

Rainbow Club

Rainbow Club is for children in F1 & F2/Reception Class (3- 5’s). Rainbow Club children have fun with Bible stories, singing, prayers, making friends and playing together. We learn that God made us and loves us, Jesus is our friend and we can be his friend too and we are part of God’s family the church.

We start with our families in church at 10.30am and then go to our group.

Rainbow Club is taking a break for the summer. We will be celebrating with our big church family in July and August. Rainbow Club will be back on Sunday 8th September.

Sundays During the 10.30 service Martyrs Church
Liz L
Liz B

Ketchup Club

Ketchup Club is for 5-11’s (Y1-Y6). We explore the important and exciting things God has to say to us in the Bible. We play games, have stories, ask questions, sing songs, eat biscuits, pray, make stuff and more… We learn that God loves us, we can have an everyday friendship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit can help us live for Jesus and we are part of God’s big family the church.

We start with our families in church at 10.30 and then go to our group.

Ketchup Club meet Sundays in term-time in our group and join in our Family Services on the first Sunday of each month.

Don’t miss The Good News Cafe our Ketchup Club Holiday Club this Summer! Contact Irene for more details: irene.hart@martyrs.org.uk.

Ketchup Club on Sunday is taking a break for the summer. We will be celebrating with our big church family in July and August. Ketchup Club on Sunday will be back on Sunday 8th September.




Sundays During the 10.30 service Martyrs Church

Shake, Rattle + Roll

Shake Rattle + Roll is a welcoming and friendly stay and play group for 0-4’s and their grownups. Turn up when you’re ready and join in the fun. With stories, songs, prayer, activities, snacks and plenty of friends to make and toys to play with you’re sure to have a super time!

This summer holiday join us for Shake Out + About at Westcotes Gardens (on the corner of Fosse Rd South & Upperton Rd). Thursdays 10am throughout the summer.

Thursdays termtime 10-11.30am Martyrs Church

The BIG questions

Song of the Week

Verse of the Week

Wow! We can thank God for so many things! Tell God what you’re thankful for.