A very warm welcome to Martyrs Church!
We are a intercultural, all age, vibrant Church of England community in Leicester located just off Narborough Road. Here you will find people who worship who are from a variety of places, age groups and diverse backgrounds. Whoever you are and whatever you believe, you are welcome at our Church.
Together we seek to encourage and support one another in our faith journeys and in demonstrating the good news of Jesus to those around us. Click here to find out more about us.
Hope to see you soon!

Join us at 10.30am or 6.15pm
for a Sunday Service
Upcoming events
Shake Rattle + Roll
Thursdays(10am-11:30am) in term time. This group is for 0-4’s and their grownups to play, make friends, sing, have stories, activities…
10:00 am
Church of the Martyrs -
Sunday Clubs
The summer term is here! What will we discover this term? Don’t miss it! There are groups for children and…
10:30 am
Church of the Martyrs -
Sunday Worship Service
A mixture of All Age gatherings, informal morning worship, and sharing communion. Sunday morning church consists of band-led worship with…
10:30 am
Church of the Martyrs -
Young People
Fuel Cells
For 11-14 year olds, you are very welcome to join us in the church hall at 10:30 on Sunday mornings.
10:30 am
Church of the Martyrs -
6.15 Gathering
6.15 is an informal café style gathering with an extended time of worship, practical and interactive biblical teaching and also…
6:15 pm
Church of the Martyrs -
Girlguiding at the Martyrs
Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK, with over 320,000 members. Thanks to the…
5:15 pm
Church of the Martyrs -
Community Prayer Time
Coffee, croissants and community prayer. You are welcome to join us as we pray for church and our community
9:15 am
Church of the Martyrs -
Communion & Coffee
A traditional Holy Communion service, with a short talk based on the Church of England lectionary reading. Refreshments are served…
11:00 am
Church of the Martyrs -
Mothers’ Union
Mothers’ Union is a Christian worldwide organisation with 4 million members, for women, men, married or single, with or without…
2:30 pm
Church of the Martyrs, Church Hall -
Young People
Young Adults Meet(18+)
Are you looking for a place where you can connect and explore your life of faith? Yes, there is a…
4:30 pm
Private home
What’s been happening?
Loved celebrating Jesus as the light of the world and seeing Tom dressed up as a Christingle today!
Christingle Service
It’s beginning to look like Christmas
Enjoyed while decorating the tree!Sangeetha
Christmas tree decor
I really enjoyed being in worship band
Black history month service
Starting our summer outreach programme with coffee, doughnuts and conversation on Westcotes Drive. We loved meeting some of our neighbours!
Sofa Chat
We had lots of fun at the Lego Building Cafe today!
Lego Building Cafe
Getting creative this evening thinking about how we experience the Holy Spirit in our lives, really thoughtful conversations and sharing.
6.15 Sunday Service
The ‘meet and greet’ with Bishop Martyn was fantastic! We had a chance to chat with him and learn about his experiences, insights, and perspectives on various topics related to faith, social and culture
Students meet and greet with Bishop Martyn
It’s so good to have the nesting boxes for swifts up on the Church Hall in time for their arrival. Thank you to all who helped.
Chris & EcoMartyrs
Nest Boxes for Swifts
We continued the tradition of flowering the cross on Easter morning. A symbol of the new life found in the resurrection. Alleluia!
Shayne & Lorraine
Flowering the cross
A group of us gathered at 6am on Easter morning to celebrate as the sun came up, then Bertin made Norweigan waffles for breakfast!
Martyrs Church
Sunrise service
All ready to plant dutch iris bulbs at our Easter family event. Let the fun begin!
Easter Family Event
This beautiful rainbow over church on Good Friday was the perfect reminder of God’s promise to never leave us!
Martyrs Church
Good Friday
Over 60 people gathered for a quiet, reflective service to mark Good Friday.
Good Friday Reflective Service
Our campfire watch got rained off so we brought the hot chocolate and marshmallows inside!
Maundy Thursday Watch
We attended the Maundy Thursday service at Leicester Cathedral. Oils were blessed for anointing & we renewed our commitment to ministry.
Chrism Service 2024
Celebrating Thinking Day with our Martyrs Guiding family! A thought provoking service followed by a delicious breakfast!
Martyrs Guiding
Thinking Day
What a great start to our cover-to cover Bible reading challenge! Will we manage to read the entire Bible in 1-week???
Cover-to-Cover Bible Reading
It was good. It is a transformative journey into faith, community, and self-discovery. I found how to build a good relationship with God
Alpha course
It’s great to be a part of this event where we all came together to celebrate, reflect, and to be inspired.
International Women’s day
It was a new experience for me as an international student. I enjoyed “War Room” movie which focuses on the power of prayer.
International Women’s day